Hypnosis, Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Health, Wealth, happiness - Pat's Hypnosis Center

Have other members of your family had to suffer because you were on a diet? How many fad diets have you tried, only to lose a few pounds quickly and then gain everything you lost right back again.
There is a method for losing weight without pills or
starvation. Hypnosis is not only a way to lose the
unwanted weight, but is also one of the most effective
ways to maintain your weight at a desirable level after
you have reduced.
Over twenty million people in the United States are
overweight, and thousands of them have been
conditioned to believe that they need pills or fad diets to lose weight.
They have almost forgotten that they have the most wonderful means of taking control, and to remove those unwanted pounds forever... their own minds, the most powerful instrument in the world. With Hypnosis you not only remove the unwanted pounds but you regain control in a safe, easy and effective way.

Over-eating is a habit that has been learned over the
years. As we all know, a habit is difficult to break on
your own. Through the use of hypnosis, suggestions are given that will cancel out the negative habit. Once the negative habit has been removed, suggestions are then given that will start a new positive habit of eating the proper type and quantity of foods and liquids.
Most people who are overweight have been able to lose weight at one time or another in their lives.
These people may have lost thirty to forty pounds, yet for no apparent reason they may gain back forty to fifty pounds. With Hypnosis, you will be
able to keep the weight off after you have reduced.

Night Five percent (95%) of Pat's clients have removed the weight and kept it off.  The recommended weight loss program is 8 sessions over a 3 month period, but custom programs are available to fit your needs.

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Pat Brown, CHt. - 3030 Bellflower Way - Lakeland, FL 33811 - 863.667.0000

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