Hypnosis, Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Health, Wealth, happiness - Pat's Hypnosis Center


Have you tried everything to quit smoking? Have you given up hope? With the help of Pat's ONE SESSION Program, you can successfully become a nonsmoker and improve your overall health! There are no pills like bupropion or naltrexone, no patches, no rigorous study nor other demands made upon you by this hypnosis program. When you quit smoking the benefits are immediate.
    Just 20 minutes after you've smoked that last cigarette, your body begins an ongoing series of beneficial changes: 
Your blood pressure drops to normal.
Pulse rate drops to normal.
Temperature of hands and feet increase to normal.
     8 Hours after you've smoked that last cigarette
Carbon Monoxide level in blood drops to normal.
Oxygen level in blood increases to normal.
   24 Hours after you've smoked that last cigarette
Chance of heart attack decreases.
   48 Hours after you've smoked that last cigarette
Nerve endings start re-growing
Ability to smell and taste is enhanced.
The ability to walk becomes easier.

      Two Weeks to 3 Months after you've smoked that last cigarette
    Circulation improves.
    Lung functions increase up to 30%.
      One to Nine Months after you've smoked that last cigarette
    Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases.
    Cilia re-grow in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, reduce infection.
       One year after you've smoked that last cigarette

    Your risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker.

    Ninety Five Percent (95%) of the people who are hypnotized using Pat's ONE SESSION Program never smoke again!

    Are you ready to become a nonsmoker? Contact Pat's Hypnosis Center for an appointment today.

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    Pat Brown, CHt. - 3030 Bellflower Way - Lakeland, FL 33811 - 863.667.0000

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